Archiwum z miesiąca: April, 2008

1. Your company Wanda Pazdan is a very original idea for business, at least in Opole. Why you, a recognized international expert in environment protection, a person who shouldn’t complain for lack of funds, made such a decision?
I must admit that EU projects, the so called international ones, provide remuneration that exceeds average salary in Poland several times. However, throughout my life money was not the only motivation for work. That is why, despite many interesting offers, after the Bosnia&Herzegovina project I firmly rejected participation in projects in foreign countries. One of the reasons was to prove to myself and to other major European experts that a reliable implementation of ideas I had been preoccupied with for years, calls for the change of principles of data collection by EUROSTAT and, of course, by our Central Statistical Office. I am not sure if I live long enough to see those changes… Although good sustainable development management also requires changes in European and Polish statistics procedure, I had some additional, private reasons. My second granddaughter was born. I just want to spend more time with children. I have been interested in sustainable development issues for years but my interest in music comes from my home.
2. Sustainable development – something people talk about a lot, as it seems an obligatory approach to the subject, but not much is actually being done. Why is this idea so important for you?
You mean an obligatory approach to the subject of EU funds. You put it well… I think that the idea of sustainable development is beautiful and implementation of its principles may result in economic and social boom and all this can be accomplished respecting the nature and other elements of the environment. Support for implementation of sustainable development is my company mission. I am aware of discrepancy between great scientific achievements in Poland on the subject of sustainable development and transfer of those achievements into implementation. I was a member of the “Man and the Environment” Committee affiliated with the Presidium of the Polish Academy of Science.
The notion itself may seem a little scary and its translation into Polish does not sound too good, but this is the official translation of the term. Today it appeals more to the public that environmental protection is important, that you can profit from it, that investments in this area made now will bring satisfying results if we give it enough time. And the same can be said about investments in human capital. We have an opportunity to implement projects in this regard but implementation of sustainable development means more. First, it requires development of common vision, e.g. vision of the region, with taking into consideration the provisions of the overriding strategies. In the EU New Sustainable Development Strategy, published in 2006, we read: “Sustainable development means that the needs of current generations will not limit implementation of the needs of future generations. This is the superior goal established in the Treaty on European Union which governs the European Union politicians and activities. It implies protection of the Earth, its ability to sustain varied forms of living things. It is based on principles of democracy, gender equality, solidarity, respect for the principles of law and fundamental rights, such as freedom and equal opportunity for all. Its objective is continuous improvement of the quality of life and prosperity on earth of the present and future generations. Moreover, it contributes to economic development, with full employment, high level of education, healthcare, social and territorial cohesion and environment protection, in the world full of peace and security, respecting cultural diversity.” [retranslated from Polish] It means, among others, implementation of green orders, forming attitudes of consumers, who by their behavior force changes in production, services and products for consumption. It may even imply modification of the tax system which as a result provides preferences for the production and services complying with the sustainable development strategy, it is modification of the education system, lack of unemployment. It is dynamic economic development, high level of education, common care and respect for health and common prevention of disease and social pathologies, territorial and social cohesion, safe and peaceful world. It involves bigger participation in social life, formation of small but strong social groups which respect cultural diversity, formation and implementation of patterns that promote development of an individual who is assessed not only on the basis of material possessions, etc. It is here where the media, advertisement and organizations of other type can play a huge role.
In Poland, the document called the National Development Strategy is in practice treated as the most important, major document on development. It is indispensable and very important as in the current programming period it is one of significant prerequisites for obtaining EU funds. Preparations are under way, however, to the next fund programming period… I think that in our circumstances and with current provisions of the Polish Constitution, the sustainable development strategy should be the main planning document. The EU New Sustainable Development Strategy is the framework in which the New Lisbon Strategy is only what drives the economy and prevents unemployment.
3. In the description of your company you mentioned emotions. How to associate emotions with implementation of sustainable development?
Implementation of sustainable development implies, for a given period, creation of a common vision of the future, formation of sustainable development strategy, then its implementation, monitoring and modification. On all these stages of implementation of sustainable development, the way of thinking, behavior, emotions and motivation of an individual play an important role. We can say that a person’s life consists of physical, mental and emotional spheres. Emotional sphere serves as an intermediary between physical and mental spheres, regardless which one of them initiates the first impulse. Human being as an organism acts and develops in a specific environment. There is a close relationship between him and the world around him. Emotions are the way we relate to the surrounding stimuli, information. The sustainable development strategy, established through social effort, includes measurable goals and tasks in itself. Their implementation is largely dependent on the motivation of each inhabitant of a given area, as during implementation of sustainable development, interaction between people and business, social and administrative entities is a significant factor.
Secondary emotions are emotions developed on the basis of personal inclinations together with some experience gained through our life. That is why the Committee of the Regions calls for education about sustainable development starting at the day or child care center level… Culture marks out trends of thinking and, as a result, impressions of individual persons result in the so called secondary emotion, as distinguished from primary emotion, in which automatism plays the major role. Emotions related to sustainable development, motivations of individual organizational entities, as well as inhabitants of a given area depend on the way local authorities form the sustainable development strategy, the way they promote it and on the quality of engagement of culture and education.
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