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    Archiwum z miesiąca: December, 2008

    Culture can be defined as the whole complex ofproducts and human efforts, material and nonmaterial  (i.e. spiritual, symbolic, such as mental and behavioral patterns).


    – declaration to implement a progress management system in pursuit of sustainable development;

    – declaration to implement public domain annual reports pursuant to GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) recommendations or in a similar form and to have them audited by an independent entity (university, institute, consulting company, etc.);

    – declaration to care about safety, including, among others declaration to implement a Commune Energy Center with green energy, declaration to care about the quality of air, water, soil, biodiversity;

    – declaration to implement a Commune Database, based on GIS, for strategic and operations management;

    – declaration to minimize wastes and apply modern waste disposal methods;

    – declaration to implement a commonly available sewerage and water supply system;

    – declaration to minimize individual transportation needs and to optimize transportation fleet from the ecological and financial perspective;

    – declaration to promote continuous education;

    – declaration to support education which appreciates the role of literature, music (art) and physical exercise in development of creative individuals;

    – declaration to promote prevention of disease;

    – declaration to promote tolerance of cultural diversity;

    – declaration to prevent social pathologies;

    – declaration to promote changes in consumption patterns (music, art, physical culture are also legitimate consumer goods);

    – declaration to increase percentage share of green procurements in the procurement pool;

    – declaration to increase percentage share of orders from suppliers who respect the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, Charter of Human Rights;

    – declaration to exercise greater care for clients, ergonomics and esthetic impression of the communal office and area of the commune as a whole, cultural heritage and culture of employees;

    – declaration to initiate changes in education, health care, business, society, non-governmental organizations, in political life, and in the media in the direction of sustainable development.

    Signed by the Head/Mayor/President of the City/Town

    ZR/SD Manager: sustainable development manager is a manager who through her or his activity and impact on the employees has managed to:

    – formulate with her or his employees a vision statement concerning the development of the given organizational unit in the specified remote future, a vision in which economic development goes hand in hand with respect to the environment and the society,

    –  transfer the vision statement into a strategy of sustainable development and main strategy in a way which:

    – enables them to control its implementation;

    – ensures alignment of the form and goals with strategies of higher levels of administration, up to the EU;

    – adjust planning and operation management system to reporting progress in pursuit of sustainable development;

    – develop and implement a declaration of culture of the organization in the spirit of sustainable development;

    – provide an atmosphere in which employees are encouraged to question status quo and to take risk;

    – develop employee’s imagination and spirituality and to motivate them to continuous education;

    – stimulate employee’s creativity.

    By her or his activity they stimulate development of innovative products/services which deserve to be called sustainable development products/services. SD Manager supports cultural, health and educational projects.


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