Changes Follow a Potential Fine
Wanda Pazdan
26 Nov 2008
Do we need a stick to motivate us for any changes? Is a penalty on the horizon the only thing that matters?…
Today I heard that a businessperson is interested in palpable, definite things, like numbers, not in philosophy… Well, it’s nothing new, I heard it from students of Polish technical universities, while studying theoretical physics…
I do not question someone’s need of perception of reality through numbers, but I cannot agree with a concept that a change in management methods must be implemented through fines only…
We have not harmonized the Polish sustainable development strategy with the EU, and, at least so far, we do not face a fine, but is it a reason to be complacent about the status quo?…
The so called amended Gothenburg Strategy (SDS) is written in a concise style, which facilitates putting it into practice through various programs or plans. The provisions of this strategy state that the member states were to harmonize their sustainable development strategies with the SDS. What is more, they should do it in a cascade-like, downward mode, reaching the level of enterprises…
Do we really feel to be members of the EU, or do we just want to take advantage of the EU funds?
The businessman I talked to claims that when Poland faces a penalty, we may hope for a document harmonized with the EU, that local authorities harmonize or write their own sustainable development strategies in forms consistent with the provisions of SDS and national strategy, and that the world of business will follow the path…
Polish business starts to use the Internet for announcing its strategies of sustainable development…
Some countries, through the Internet and other media, published their indicators of sustainable development and their goals in that direction. Do we have such indicators and goals adopted for Poland? Is it being discussed by the media? Does sustainable development deserve attention of the media?…
In my opinion a problem of implementation of green public procurements depends among other things, or perhaps mainly, on the lack of positive political climate for the cause of sustainable development. How often local authorities associate the matter of sustainable development only with environmental protection… They forget that there are three pillars of sustainable development, namely, economy, society and the environment.
Walking along the path of sustainable development also involves development of voluntary initiatives, which often reach farther than the requirements of law. So, rather than the awareness of penalty, it involves awareness of the need of our times, global thinking, interaction of fully aware stakeholders. Change in awareness…