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    Sustainable Development Commune Competition
    Wanda Pazdan 24 Jun 2009

    “Biznes i Ekologia”  and EMI company convinced that a commune [in Polish: gmina, in other countries also called a municipality or township], as a basic self-government unit, has a huge impact on saving Our Planet and development of the human species,

    announce the Competition for the title of:


     ZR/SD Commune 2010, for short

    under auspices of:                                         

    herb woj opolskiego                                                        herb-opola.gif

    Marszałka Województwa Opolskiego     Prezydenta Miasta Opola

    pkdsunesco.jpg                            logo-bcc-pion.jpg

    Polski Komitet ds UNESCO          Business Centre Club

    Krajowa Izba Gospodarcza  pl_dlugie_tlo-biale_kig-szary.jpg

    cte_logo_grafit2.jpg                                 logo_fundacji-being-world.jpg


    The goal is to promote system solutions adopted in communes, as well as communes themselves which:

    – chose to start out on the sustainable development course,

    – are known for their superior management culture,

    – in management take into account capital in the classical meaning of the word but also global human capital and natural capital of the globe,

    – stimulate development of innovative products/services which deserve to be called sustainable development products/services.

    Assessment criteria for the “ZR/SD Commune 2010” title stem from the definition of ZR/SD Commune specified by EMI.

    The results of the Competition will be announced in 2010 during one of the events of the Festival of Sustainable Development and Music in Opole (ZR/SD-M Festival). The winners will receive diplomas and throughout 2010 will be entitled to use the Winner of ZR/SD Commune 2010- Competition (Sustainable Development Commune) graphic symbol.

    The Registration Form for Candidates for the title “ZR/SD Commune 2009” is published on EMI’s website. Registration will be accepted till April 30, 2010. The Application Form for 2010 will be accepted till June 30, 2010.

    Apart from experts from EMI and Partners also a group of invited specialists and interested Internet users will participate in the assessment process, and they will be provided with a special form at EMI’s website for selecting the winners in October and November 2010.

    All COMMUNES OF EUROPE are cordially invited to participate in the Competition!

    All Internet users are cordially invited to select their candidates for winning!

    Some Rules for the Edition of  ZR/SD Commune 2010 Competition

    Patronat medialny:   fob.gif  logo-fenix-bie.jpg logo-otv-mniejsze.jpglogo-radio-opole.jpg  logo_opole_opole_plus.jpg  nto.jpg   nto_pl.jpg   mmopole.jpg  wwwmoj-ogrodnikpl.jpg


    logo-fenix-bie.jpg                                    logo-emi-wanda-pazdan.JPG

    Komentarze wyłączone.


    Logo konkursu


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