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    Maecenas of Festival
    Wanda Pazdan 28 Aug 2009

    Maecenas of the International Festival of Sustainable Development and Music  Opole September – December 2010

    (Maecenas of the International Festival of SD-M Opole 2010)

    Maecenas of the International Festival of SD-M Opole 2010

    • has the right to use the title of “Maecenas of the International Festival of Sustainable Development and Music, Opole 2010,” as well as the title of “Maecenas of the International Festival of SD-M Opole 2010” in contacts within the state and abroad, from the date of signing the agreement

    Inauguration Gala

    • participation of the Company Representatives in the Festival Inauguration and Closing Galas, pursuant to the scenario, which provides for the opportunity of providing some comments on the platform


    • 10 two-person invitations to the Inauguration Gala on September7, 2010 (20 reservations)
    • 10 two-person invitations to the Festival Closing Gala on December7, 2010 (20 reservations)

    Press releases, posters and advertising materials concerning the Festival of SD-M Opole 2010

    • providing information about the Company in announcements, at the EMI Web site, on all posters about the Festival, in advertising materials and press releases, during the Inauguration Gala and the Gala Closing the Festival of SD-M Opole 2010, during  Workshops and Concerts within the aforementioned Festival

    Placing the Company logo:

    • in materials advertising the Festival (including posters)
    • on the invitation to each Gala
    • on the agenda for each Gala
    • on information materials pertaining to Workshops “Sustainable development – vision and practice in XXI century”
    • on agendas for all Festival concerts
    • on the Home Page of EMI’s Web site
    • in Media Partners’ advertisements

    Placing an active hyperlink to the Company’s Web site

    • on the home page of EMI, Company Logo hyperlinked to the Company’s Web site home page

    Placement of the Company advertising banner

    • placement of an on-line advertisement pursuant to the provisions of the agreement by the end of August 2011, within 5 days from the day the banner is received and agreement is signed, on the home page of EMI, Festival of SD-M category and Maecenas of the Festival of SD-M category

    Placement of the Company’s full page advertisement in

    • the book by W. Pazdan “Zrównoważony rozwój i muzyka” [Sustainable Development and Music] given to the guests during all Festival events; content and electronic form in an agreed upon format will be prepared by the Company

    Company’s Promotional Stand:

    • company’s promotional stand in the Gala foyer

    Advertising boards

    • placement of 2 advertising boards prepared by the Company in the foyer during each Gala,


    • opportunity to let in 5 hostesses representing the Company during each Gala

    Photo service

    • transfer to the Company of intellectual property rights to pictures taken by its photo service during each Gala, Workshops  and Festival concerts

    The payment for the “Maecenas of the Festival of SD-M Opole 2010” Package is 25000zł.

    Komentarze wyłączone.


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